Trustee Shelley Laskin Weekly Updates

Friday, 24 September 2021

Week Ending Sept. 24


Thank you to our parents/guardians who attended our School Council meeting earlier this week. A pre-recorded link of this meeting will be shared in next week's blog and via School Council. Information with respect to Council Nominations, Roles and Responsibilties is forthcoming. 

Thank you to our parents/guardians for today's great turnout at our Virtual Assembly. We look forward to having you at next month's, Friday, October 29. Save the date.

We have included some images so that you can enjoy the inside and outside view of the school:   Week of Sept 24.

CURRICULUM NIGHT: Please note that Curriculum Night for both Davisville and Spectrum has been postponed due to TDSB re-organization. The TDSB re-organization process has been delayed to mid-October. Thank you for understanding.


The Toronto District School Board is using School Cash Onlinean easy to use, safe and convenient way for parents/guardians to pay for their children’s field trips, yearbooks and everything else.
All school fees applicable to your child will be posted on School Cash Online. Once you register, you can choose to purchase the items or activities using a debit or credit card. You will be able to see when the school has a new item posted online for purchase and you will also have the option to be notified whenever your child has a new school event requiring payment.
To register for School Cash Online, please visit select “Get Started Today” and complete the three registration steps.
If you have questions about the registration process or using School Cash Online, please select the “Get Help” option on the top of School Cash Online web page. You can also contact the School Cash Online 24 hour Parent Help Desk at 1-866-961-1803 and The Parent Help Desk is available to assist parents/guardians with the registration process, password recovery, accessing your account or payment issues.
Early Pick-up of Students: Please see the following for  2021-2022 Davisville/Spectrum: Student Form For Early Pick-Up*Only*
Student Passwords:
Teachers are able to provide your child's student username(student id).
Families of students new to TDSB participating in Virtual Learning received a welcome email with the student number, email address and instructions on how to log in.                    
TDSB SchoolMessenger: as its automated call-out system for our Safe Arrival Program. School Messenger Safe Arrival Parent Letter
  • To report your child(ren)’s absence  please call SchoolMessanger directly 1-833-250-2290 before 8:00 AM.
 If you do not report the absence prior the start of school, you will be contacted  by SchoolMessanger and must indicate the reason for the absence,
The telephone number 833-250-2290 will display on the caller ID

The Start of Year forms were sent to parents/guardians on September 12, 2021. Many parents experienced difficulty completing the forms due to technical issues with Permission Click. The vendor has indicated these issues were resolved on September 13.
The following forms/procedures were sent in digital format:       
TDSB Digital Learning Tool Consent Form
Asthma Management
Diabetes Management
Board Code of Conduct
Code of On-line Conduct
Student Media Consent Release Form
Severe Weather Conditions: Permission to Leave School
Medical Information for Excursions
Walking Excursion-Immediate Community
Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources

Of note, the Start of Year emails were automatically sent to the parent/guardian who is the primary or secondary contact (Priority 1 or 2) with an email on file. The email included a link to complete the forms for each of your children. The email came from the email address of TDSB Online Form ( Please be reminded to complete the Permission Forms for School Start-up as soon as possible as this information is important for our staff.
SCHOOL SETTLEMENT WORKER: Our School Settlement Worker, Mehrraz is available to assist newcomer students and their families virtually. In-person meetings could be arranged, if required, and will follow the same school safety protocols. Please see the attached letter for information.
School Settlement Worker September Intro Letter
Thank you to our many families who are using the daily Covid-19 screening app for their children instead of the paper form. Please ensure that the daily screening is done prior to 8:30 a.m. so that we are able to verify your child's screening before entry to school.
In order to speed up morning entry, please encourage students to perform their pre-screening at home using the Health Self-Assessment webpage or Health Screening app (now Mobile). The instance name is Use your TDSB email address and password to log in. Please ask your child's teacher if you require a student password reset.
Detailed instructions for the health screening app

Covid-19 Screening for Children/Students: Please review the TPH Covid-19 screening protocol prior to sending your child to school daily. Please also review the TPH sheet that informs the steps on what to do if your child/student has 1 or more symptoms of Covid-19, in particular not tested children/students must stay home and self-isolate for 10 days from the day symptoms started: Screening Questionnaire: Covid-19
Please see the attached Government of Canada letter re: Unvaccinated Children Mandatory Requirements FOR UNVACCINATED CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS arriving in Canada without COVID-19 symptoms and TRAVELLING WITH FULLY VACCINATED PARENTS OR GUARDIANS

TDSB ROAD SAFETY AROUND SCHOOL ZONES: Please refer to the TDSB Road Safety website. Whatever method of transportation you choose to dropoff or pickup, please remember to be careful and share the road with other road users as we have many students coming from various intersections, i.e., Yonge and Belsize, Yonge and Davisville, etc. Together, we can keep school zones safe!

PICK UP AND DROP OFF: At morning dropoff and afternoon dismissal, students are to meet their teacher's in the following areas for the remainder of the year:
Zone A: Grass Field-Armus/Dombrower, Harnick, Hannah, Andreasen, Kule
Zone B: Artificial Turf-Tiralongo, Baillie, Casselman, Bogner, Viner
Zone C: Pavement-Paras, Johnson, Waung, Breslaw, Zaouia, Galimberti

WEATHER AND OUTDOOR RECESS: We will be outside for recess and lunch unless there is steady rain or extreme cold. Please dress accordingly. This is in support of our student's mental and physical well-being. Our above Zone Cohorts rotate weekly to the various areas of the schoolyard.

SHARING: Some of our grade 8 students, under the guidance of Mr. Quach, our virtual grade 3 teacher, will be starting a six week reading program for students in the virtual grade 3 class. We can’t wait to see how it works!!!!


School Year Calendar 2021-2022

  • Thanksgiving -October 11, 2021
  • Board-wide PA Day - November 19, 2021
  • The last day before the Winter Break is December 17, 2021
  • First day back from Winter Break is January 3, 2022
  • The last day of class for elementary students is June 30, 2022
  • The last day of class for secondary students is June 29, 2022

Please remember to check the Days of Significance Calendar for holy days before setting school events to be as inclusive as possible. 

School Year Calendar 2021-2022

Friday, 17 September 2021

Week Ending Sept. 17/21

September 17, 2021

Week 2 has come and gone. The excitement and thrill of being in our new location is still in the air!

We have included some images so that you can enjoy the inside and outside view of the school: Week of Sept 17

This blog contains some important information. Please have a read and know that we are here and available to respond to any of your questions/concerns.

Enjoy the weekend!

Some items of information:

Use of the Health Screen App:

In order to speed up morning entry, please encourage students to perform their pre-screening at home using the Health Self-Assessment webpage or Health Screening app (now Mobile). The instance name is Use your TDSB email address and password to log in. Please ask your child's teacher if you require a student password reset.



Detailed instructions for the health screening app

Covid-19 Screening for Children/Students: Please review the TPH Covid-19 screening protocol prior to sending your child to school daily. Please also review the TPH sheet that informs the steps on what to do if your child/student has 1 or more symptoms of Covid-19, in particular not tested children/students must stay home and self-isolate for 10 days from the day symptoms started: Screening Questionnaire: Covid-19

Return of Remote Learning Devices:

A reminder that the TDSB devices loaned to students for remote learning MUST be returned. Please do so as 

1:1 Student Device Program Usage Agreement-Grade 5

The Usage Agreement for the 1:1 Device Program was sent to all families of Grades 5 students the afternoon of September 13 through Permission Click. Please review the usage agreement. Devices for Grade 5 students were distributed today. If you have any questions, please contact their educator.

Start of Year Forms:

The Start of Year forms were sent to parents/guardians on September 12, 2021. Many parents experienced difficulty completing the forms due to technical issues with Permission Click. The vendor has indicated these issues were resolved on September 13.

The following forms/procedures were sent in digital format:       

TDSB Digital Learning Tool Consent Form

Asthma Management

Diabetes Management

Board Code of Conduct

Code of On-line Conduct


Student Media Consent Release Form

Severe Weather Conditions: Permission to Leave School

Medical Information for Excursions

Walking Excursion-Immediate Community

Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources

Of note, the Start of Year emails were automatically sent to the parent/guardian who is the primary or secondary contact (Priority 1 or 2) with an email on file. The email included a link to complete the forms for each of your children. The email came from the email address of TDSB Online Form ( Please be reminded to complete the Permission Forms for School Start-up as soon as possible as this information is important for our staff.

Drop off and Pick up of Students in the Schoolyard:

We are trying to limit the contact between cohorts and adults while on school property. If you are dropping off or picking up your child/children you are encouraged to do so while distancing and wearing a mask. We appreciate your efforts of a quick-drop as classes begin and are dismissed.

Equipment Outdoors/Items From Home: We are in the process of re-establishing our sharing of equipment within our cohorts. Please limit the number of items (toys) to 1 per day as we are trying to reduce the sharing of items.


Early Pick-up of Students: Please see the following for  2021-2022 Davisville/Spectrum: Student Form For Early Pick-Up*Only*

Student Passwords:

Teachers are able to provide your child's student username(student id).

Families of students new to TDSB participating in Virtual Learning received a welcome email with the student number, email address and instructions on how to log in.                    

TDSB SchoolMessenger: as its automated call-out system for our Safe Arrival Program. School Messenger Safe Arrival Parent Letter

  • To report your child(ren)’s absence  please call SchoolMessanger directly 1-833-250-2290 before 8:00 AM.

 If you do not report the absence prior the start of school, you will be contacted  by SchoolMessanger and must indicate the reason for the absence,

The telephone number 833-250-2290 will display on the caller ID

School Council Information, including upcoming School Council meeting: Tuesday, September 21 at 6:30pm .Please join us!!!!

The first Parent Council Meeting will take place on Tuesday September 21 at 6:30 pm on Zoom. 

TDSB Guest Nancy Sands, who will give an overview of how parents/guardians can support their child’s educational experience and advocate for their child, as well as navigate TDSB resources.

 We’ll also be discussing how Parent Council works, the elected positions available, and answer any questions you have. In order to reflect our school and community, we need your voice.  Please join us. Parent Info Session

Zoom Council Link: Tuesday, Sept. 21 at 6:30pm.

Did you know?