Trustee Shelley Laskin Weekly Updates

Friday, 26 November 2021

Week Ending Nov 26


We have included some images: Week of Nov 22

Hats, coats, pants, boots, mitts, scarves…..

Please dress for the weather. The snow flakes are flying and the cold weather is on the way. All students are outside for a 15 minute recess in the morning and afternoon and a 60 minute lunch recess. We stay outside for the whole time. Please send extra mitts and hats as they may get wet in one recess. Please label all your children’s items. If you need warm clothes for your child, please email Mrs. Farrelly directly at . If you have an extra coat or mitts you’d like to donate to the school, please see Mrs. Farrelly or Ammeleyla in the yard in the morning. We would be happy to distribute them to students in need. 

Please refer to the TDSB Severe Weather Guidelines

Please be kind:

Our Office Administrators and clerical staff are working so hard everyday to do their best to manage all the events happening in the office. The past few weeks has seen a dramatic increase in the number of students arriving at school late and parents/caregivers coming to drop off lunch, snack, water bottle etc. Please do your very best to help your child pack all their belongings for the day (you may want to put a checklist by the front door) and arrive on time. This helps us a lot. If you are late or are dropping something off, please be kind to the office staff. They have been on the receiving end of some very upset phone calls. They are doing their very best and are working overtime everyday in order to catch up on their work. Please be kind. 

We hope that you each had an opportunity to attend the parent/guardian-educator conferences during the past week and that you were able to discuss your child/children's Progress Report. Please continue to reach out to your child/children's educator at any time throughout the year.
Grade 3 CCAT 7 Results: 
The in-person student results were sent today. The virtual school students should expect to receive their results in the mail. Please reach out to the Admin if you have any questions.

We are pleased to share that the students will receive snack starting on December 1. Some of the snack items include the following pre-packaged items: carrots, apples, grapes, apple cinnamon/chocolate chip nut-free granola bars, and oatmeal cookies. Thank you for your patience.

Photo Retake Day: 
Tuesday, November 30 is Photo Retake Day for any students whom were absent for the first photo day.

TDSB In-person or Virtual learning switch information:
As you know, all TDSB students selected either in-person or virtual learning for the 2021-22 school year. At the time of selection, we communicated that there would be one opportunity to switch between in-person and virtual learning in February 2022.
In order to plan ahead for elementary students to switch between in-person and virtual learning for February 2022, parents/caregivers and students requesting a change must complete an Elementary Switch Form between Friday, December 3 and Friday, January 7. A form must be completed for each student requesting a switch. Parents/caregivers and students who do not wish to make a change do not need to complete a form.  
If you are considering a switch, please speak with your child before submitting a Switch Form. We expect that parents/caregivers with shared decision-making responsibilities will come to an agreement before completing the form.
We recognize that we are asking for this decision well in advance of February and thank you for your understanding, as this process takes time to complete. While we cannot guarantee that all switch requests will be met, it is our goal to accommodate as many as possible based on available programs and space (e.g. French Immersion, Extended French, Specialized Programs, Alternative Schools, other limited circumstances).
More information about the Elementary Switch Form will be shared directly with parents/caregivers on December 3. Elementary classes will reflect changes due to switches beginning on February 22, 2022
Whether you choose a switch in learning model or not, a limited number of teachers or classes (or school for virtual learning classes) may change due to a possible re-organization.
For more information, please visit Please contact the Principal at your child’s school with any questions. Thank you.

John Polanyi CI Info:
John Polanyi Flyer
John Polanyi CI offers a wide range of programming and experiences unique to the TDSB.  Our students benefit from partnerships with Rotman School of Business (University of Toronto) and Engineering at Queen’s University, can choose to earn Red Seal Diplomas alongside their Ontario Secondary School Diploma in the areas of Transportation Technology, Criminal Justice, Health and Wellness, and Business and Innovation, and enjoy the opportunity to gain credits through genuine hands-on learning in our state of the art digital labs, robotics innovation spaces, automotive shop and hairstyling and esthetics salon.
Do you have a passion for Math, Science, and Robotics?  John Polanyi’s specialty math and science program offers students the opportunity to enrich their learning in these areas with our SMR program.  If you have any other queries please don’t hesitate to reach out to our principal Margaret Greenberg at
“scientia est potentia”

High School Open Houses and Information Nights:
To help you make an informed decision when choosing a school, TDSB schools will host virtual open houses and information sessions (live or pre-recorded) for parents/guardians and students between November and January. Learn everything you need to know about our incredible variety of schools, programs and courses. Please note that some schools are hosting “live” virtual open houses that families can join in real time, during the specified date and time. Please check this page regularly, as schools will continue to post information about virtual open house dates/times and available pre-recorded information sessions. You can view the prerecorded sessions at any time by clicking the link provided. If you have questions about a specific school or open house, please contact the school directly for more information.

Health Screening:
Thank you to all parents who have been making sure the health screening is done everyday. It is Mandatory for all students and staff to complete their health screening everyday either on the 'Service Now " app or the health screening forms signed by parents, before entering the school building. We prefer if the screening is done on the service now app as it is easier for us to track and with winter approaching, it is easier on students if the screening is done online through Now app.
This allows our teacher screening the students outside to finish it fast for them to enter the building soon.
Here is the link with all information regarding daily health screening :
Please see the attached information regarding how to use the Health Screening App from home.

Michael Garron Hospital COVID-19 Vaccination Appointments:
School Trustee's Weekly Newsletter - Ward 8:
  • For updates regarding topics affecting the TDSB, please subscribe
  • to Shelley Laskin's weekly newsletter.
TDSB website reporting delays or bus cancellations:

To order Davisville spiritwear: check school cashonline, or visit

To order Davisville spiritwear: check school cashonline, or visit

Friday, 19 November 2021

Week Ending Nov 19


 We have included some images: Week of Nov 15

We hope that you each had an opportunity to attend the parent/guardian-educator conferences during the past week and that you were able to discuss your child/children's Progress Report. Please continue to reach out to your child/children's educator at any time throughout the year. 

November Character Education Trait Assembly:

Please join us on Friday, November 26 at 10:30 am for our November Character Education Trait Assembly:

Photo Retake Day: 

Tuesday, November 30 is Photo Retake Day for any students whom were absent for the first photo day.

Spectrum School Council Meeting:

Monday, November 22 at 6:30 pm. Here is the agenda and zoom link  for the meeting.

Agenda for the meeting20211122 Agenda Parent Council Spectrumv2.pdf 

Join Zoom Meeting using the link

Meeting ID: 941 2569 7674

One tap mobile

+16473744685,,94125697674# Canada

+16475580588,,94125697674# Canada

Health Screening:

Thank you to all parents who have been making sure the health screening is done everyday. It is Mandatory for all students and staff to complete their health screening everyday either on the 'Service Now " app or the health screening forms signed by parents, before entering the school building. We prefer if the screening is done on the service now app as it is easier for us to track and with winter approaching, it is easier on students if the screening is done online through Now app.

This allows our teacher screening the students outside to finish it fast for them to enter the building soon.

Here is the link with all information regarding daily health screening :

Please see the attached information regarding how to use the Health Screening App from home.


Karen Kain School of the Arts:

Karen Kain School of the Arts

I have attached a flyer promoting the KKSA Application process.  KKSA is located in south Etobicoke; however, admission is open to all grade 5 students in our system.   

(This year’s online application deadline is December 17, 2021.)  

Thank you for your assistance in sharing this important message to your Grade 5 families.

Vonda-Kaye Oketch 


Rosedale Open House:

Information for Gr. 8 students and parents. Please see attached: Rosedale Heights Open HOuse 2021.pdf

Early French Immersion:

Poster of Early French Immersion

Students who will be entering Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten in 2022 will be eligible to apply to the Early French Immersion program during the November 2021 application period. All information and the online application are available at website or click on Early French Immersion. Early French Immersion: Applications must be completed online between November 1 and November 26.
French Immersion Virtual Web Chat Information Sessions for families interested in the application and placement process for the Early French Immersion program (JK and SK Entry for September 2022 only) will be held in November  2021. Please note: To participate in a live scheduled web chat, please visit this web page and a link will be available to join on the dates/times as outlined.
  • November 8, 2021 - 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • November 15, 2021 - 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • November 23, 2021 - 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Requests for Switching Between Learning Models:

When all TDSB students completed a Selection Form for in-person or virtual learning for the 2021-22 school year, we communicated that there would be one opportunity to switch between in-person and virtual learning in February 2022.

In order to plan ahead for students to switch between in-person and virtual learning for February 2022, families and students requesting a change must complete the Switch Form. Families and students who do not wish to make a change do not need to complete a form. While we cannot guarantee that all requests for a switch can be met, it is our goal to accommodate as many as possible based on available programs and space (e.g. French Immersion, Extended French, Specialized Programs, Alternative Schools, other limited circumstances). 

  • Elementary - The Switch Form for elementary students will be open between November 26 to December 3. Families and students who do not wish to make a change do not need to complete a form. Classes will reflect changes due to switches beginning on February 22, 2022. 
  • Secondary - We are waiting for data from the secondary student check-in survey and the secondary teacher ThoughtExchange to inform plans for Semester 2. Details will be shared with families and students so they can make an informed decision regarding switch requests. Semester 2 classes will reflect changes due to switches beginning on February 3, 2022. 

Please note we supported the Ontario Public School Boards' request to the Ministry of Education "On behalf of our member boards, we know the time is right to ask for the Ministry of Education, as soon as possible, to permit school boards to make a local decision regarding a return to a normal semestered calendar, with regular cohorts, more normal timetabling, and increased options for vaccinated student participation in extracurriculars and sports."

To date there has been no response. However, Toronto Public Health told us that they could only support the Ministry decision if we reach our goal of 90% of all eligible are fully vaccinated. For the sake of our students and staff, please get vaccinated.

High School Open Houses and Information Nights:

To help you make an informed decision when choosing a school, TDSB schools will host virtual open houses and information sessions (live or pre-recorded) for parents/guardians and students between November and January. Learn everything you need to know about our incredible variety of schools, programs and courses. Please note that some schools are hosting “live” virtual open houses that families can join in real time, during the specified date and time. Please check this page regularly, as schools will continue to post information about virtual open house dates/times and available pre-recorded information sessions. You can view the prerecorded sessions at any time by clicking the link provided. If you have questions about a specific school or open house, please contact the school directly for more information.

School Trustee's Weekly Newsletter - Ward 8:

  • For updates regarding topics affecting the TDSB, please subscribe
    to Shelley Laskin's weekly newsletter.

TDSB website reporting delays or bus cancellations:

To order Davisville spiritwear: check school cashonline, or visit

Friday, 12 November 2021

Week Ending Nov 12


 We have included some images: Week of Nov 8

Report Card Distribution and  Virtual Parent/Guardian-Educator Conferences: 

Progress Reports and Kindergarten Communication of Learning will be sent home with in-person students on Tuesday, November 16, 2021. Virtual students will receive Progress Reports electronically.
Educators will be holding virtual parent/guardian conferences on the evening of Thursday, November 18 and the am of Friday, November 19. You should be receiving the information directly from your child's/children's teacher over the next week. If they haven't reached out, please feel free to contact your child's educator directly. 
 here are a few suggested questions to ask during your parent/guardian-educator conferences. 

Islamic Heritage Month and Somali Heritage Month Resouces:

IHM resource for parents/caregivers:

SHM resource for parents/caregivers:

November School Council Meeting: 

Please see attached flyer: November School Council Meeting:

It’s already November so that means that snow is just around the corner, and so is our next Council Meeting! 

TUESDAY NOV. 16, 6:30 pm -






Please join us. Your voice is needed as we want to ensure we are hearing everyone, and being relevant for all. 

If you have questions or want to bring something up at Council, don’t hesitate to reach out to

Toronto Public Health Covid-19:

Toronto Public Health is hosting a webinar for parents and guardians about the COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5 to 11. Please see the flyer from Toronto Public Health for more information.

Presented by Dr. Vinita Dubey, TPH Associate Medical Officer of Health, the webinar will cover:

  • Information on COVID-19 vaccines in children
  • Facts about vaccines and fertility
  • COVID-19 vaccination and schools
  • Tips and approaches to address vaccine hesitancy

No registration is required. There are two session dates:

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Monday, November 15, 2021

11 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Heydon Park Secondary School:

Bridges Flyer 2022-2023

Heydon Park Secondary School is a small and inclusive all-girls high school, that also supports trans-gendered and non-binary students, offering a range of experiential learning courses in the Academic, Locally Developed, Workplace and College pathways that lead to the OSSC and OSSD.  We provide a great deal of support and many extra-curricular activities to foster academic learning and social development.  Our real strength is that we successfully engage students who need small classes, close monitoring, connections with community agencies as well as mental health and academic supports. 

We are located downtown and welcome students from across the city through central placements (MID Program) and Optional Attendance (credit program).  Students are eligible for transportation if they qualify; we also offer complimentary breakfast, lunch, and a snack each day.  

For the 2022-23 Academic School year, we will continue to provide an integrative teaching model with targeted interventions to close the literacy and numeracy gaps for our Grade 9 students, many of whom come to Heydon Park with literacy and numeracy skills below grade level. With increased access to assistive technology, students build digital fluency skills to become independent learners.

Please find attached our “2021-22 Grade 9 Bridges Program” for your information and review.  

If you have students who would benefit from a greater level of support due to social isolation, academic or social-emotional challenges, please consider our “Grade 9 Bridges Program”, at Heydon Park for next year.        

Students and their families are invited to attend our Grade 8 Open House on Thursday, December 2 at 7:00 p.m. (at this link) or book a virtual tour through the Guidance Office by emailing  

Click here to watch the video and learn more about Heydon Park.

We appreciate you sharing this information with your school communities.

We look forward to connecting with your students and their families, 


Debra Muchnik (she/her)


Heydon Park Secondary School

TDSB Financial Literacy:

TDSB is hosting free, 2 financial literacy sessions, with a focus on having the knowledge, skills and confidence to make responsible financial decisions. 

Session 1: Basic Money Management

  • Monday, November 15, 2021 5:30 - 6:30 pm

Session 2:  Credit Usage and History

  • Monday, November 22, 2021 5:30 - 6:30 pm

Join Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 749 464 7094
Passcode: 258989
Tel: 1-647-374-4685

Claude Watson School for the Arts:

Claude Watson School for the Arts is a TDSB grades 4—8 school focused on the arts.  Claude Watson School for the Arts offers an enriched arts education in music, drama, dance and visual arts.  Each day the students divide their time between academic classes and an exceptional arts program that develops their creative potential. Each year Grade 3 students apply for entry into our Grade 4 program.  Students interested in placement in grades 5 – 8 are welcome to apply but there are very limited places available. Parents and students who are interested in applying for CWSA are encouraged to attend one of our information sessions.  

More information about Claude Watson School for the Arts can be found on our website

Apply To CWSA

Applications are accepted online.  The application system is now open.  Please see below the link to apply for the 2022/2023 school year. The application system closes on Friday December 17, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. 

PLEASE NOTE: Late applications are not accepted.

Please note Claude Watson School for the Arts does not require students to submit an Optional Attendance Form

* FYI - once you click on the submit button you will get a message letting you know that "your session time has expired". Your application has actually been processed.

Friday, 5 November 2021

Week Ending Nov 5


 We have included some images so that you can enjoy the inside and outside view of the school:Week of Nov 1
Report Card Distribution and  Virtual Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences:
Progress Reports and Kindergarten Communication of Learning will be sent home with in-person students on Tuesday, November 16, 2021. Virtual students will receive Progress Reports electronically.
Teachers will be holding virtual parent/guardian conferences on the evening of Thursday, November 18 and the am of Friday, November 19. You should be receiving the information directly from your child's/childrens teacher over the next few weeks.

Picture of Happy Diwali Greeting

Happy Diwali to all the students, staff and families that celebrated on Thursday, November 4.

Diwali 2021 (Deepavali 2021) is on Thursday, November 4 in India. Diwali is derived from Sanskrit word Deepavali meaning 'Line of Lamps' and is the first of the "Festivals of Lights" celebrating the victory of good over evil and light over darkness. Each year over 1 billion people — Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, and some Buddhists celebrate these spiritual and joyous days. For those celebrating, during this time of COVID, wishing you a new year full of light.

Picture of Indigenous Education Month Poster

Indigenous Education Month:

November is Indigenous Education Month at the Toronto District School Board. It is important to centre First Nations, Métis and Inuit histories, contemporary realities and voices. For classrooms across the TDSB, this is an opportunity to learn from Indigenous perspectives on treaties, Indigenous leadership, achievements, resistance and creativity. 

Truth and Reconciliation is a guiding principle at the TDSB. Throughout November, students, staff and community members will engage in meaningful opportunities to learn together about  our shared histories and to build stronger relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples. The Urban Indigenous Education Centre (UIEC) will be hosting a number of events to support students and staff to learn from Indigenous people. 

Please see the calendar of events for details and links to myPATH to register for each event. Follow @UIEC_TDSB on Twitter for updates on Indigenous Education Month at the TDSB.

Important Dates for Indigenous Education Month:

  • Treaties Recognition Week, November 1 - 5;
  • International Inuit Day, November 7; 
  • Indigenous Veterans Day, November 8; 
Louis Riel Day, November 16.

Picture of Hindu Heritage Month Poster

Hindu Heritage Month:

The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is proud to recognize Hindu Heritage Month during the month of November as the Board of Trustees voted to pass a motion in April 2018 to mark this time. On December 8th, 2016, the Province of Ontario passed the Hindu Heritage Month Act by declaring that the month of November in each year is proclaimed as Hindu Heritage Month. November is an opportunity to celebrate the Hindu way of life, examine its impact and contributions to the world culture, and recognize values which promote compassion, tolerance, and inclusion. 

The theme this year selected by the TDSB Hindu Heritage Month Volunteer Planning Committee is Sri Rama:  Epitome of love, compassion, duty, and service. Read more about Sri Rama, who lived thousands of years ago, was the 7th avatar or reincarnation of Vishnu and see the winning images from our Hindu Heritage Month Poster Contest. We’re also delighted to share with you a video on the Ramayana. Please follow us on Twitter: @tdsb_HHM

Student Census 2022:

The fourth round of the TDSB Student Census is scheduled for the spring of 2022. The TDSB Student Census is a confidential and voluntary survey that asks important identity-based questions as well as questions about experiences inside and outside of school. Students in grades 4 to 12 complete the census themselves, while parents complete the census for students in kindergarten to grade 3.

Since 2006, TDSB schools have been collecting identity-based data through the Student Census to identify and remove systemic barriers which may limit student achievement and well-being. Since 2018, this work has been encouraged for all school boards in Ontario under the Provincial Anti-Racism Act. In 2023, this work will be mandated for all school boards.

By gathering this important information through our Student Census every 4 to 5 years, school communities are able to determine what is working well in our system, where change is required, and where supports should be focused. This data can be instrumental in highlighting the various forms of systemic oppression and complex issues of human rights that impact students and families in the TDSB.

Consultations with students, staff, and community members are beginning in November. For more information and a timeline of key dates, please visit


Poster of Early French Immersion

Early French Immersion:

Students who will be entering Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten in 2022 will be eligible to apply to the Early French Immersion program during the November 2021 application period. Moving forward (2023), the only entry point for Early French Immersion will be Junior Kindergarten.  The application to the Early French Immersion program will remain an online process managed by the Central French Department and will take place during the month of November. All information and the online application are available at website or click on Early French Immersion. Early French Immersion: Applications must be completed online between November 1 and November 26.

French Immersion Virtual Web Chat Information Sessions for families interested in the application and placement process for the Early French Immersion program (JK and SK Entry for September 2022 only) will be held in November  2021. Please note: To participate in a live scheduled web chat, please visit this web page and a link will be available to join on the dates/times as outlined.

  • November 8, 2021 - 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • November 15, 2021 - 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • November 23, 2021 - 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

TDSB Clarification about Optional Attendance for Admission beginning September 2022:

A revised Optional Attendance policy (P013) and a new draft Specialized Schools and Programs policy are currently being finalized. The two policies will be brought to the Board of Trustees for approval in the winter of 2022 for implementation in September 2022. 

This year, the Optional Attendance process is following the existing policy document. Please refer to the policy for the lottery details that have been used and should continue to be used this year.

Poster of Ward Forum


School Year Calendar 2021-2022

  • Board-wide PA Day - November 19, 2021
  • The last day before the Winter Break is December 17, 2021
  • First day back from Winter Break is January 3, 2022
  • The last day of class for elementary students is June 30, 2022
  • The last day of class for secondary students is June 29, 2022

Please remember to check the Days of Significance Calendar for holy days before setting school events to be as inclusive as possible. 

School Year Calendar 2021-2022

School Trustee's Weekly Newsletter - Ward 8

  • For updates regarding topics affecting the TDSB, please subscribe
    to Shelley Laskin's weekly newsletter.

TDSB website reporting delays or bus cancellations:

To order Davisville spiritwear: check school cashonline, or visit