Trustee Shelley Laskin Weekly Updates

Friday, 29 April 2022

Week Ending April 29/22

Change of Address/Moving:

We are now in the process of planning for the 2022/23 school year. If you are moving, please remember to inform the office as early as possible by sending an email to Davisville: and Spectrum: 

Davisville and Spectrum Clubs/Intramurals Spring 2022: 
We are pleased to announce and share the following Davisville and Spectrum clubs/intramurals document: Clubs/Intramurals Schedule which details daily club/intramural days, times, and staff coaching.
A Parent Council Meeting with Special Guest, Rachel Weinstock -  Enough Is Enough: Getting To The Heart Of Bullying Prevention:
Please access the poster for the below: Poster
A special Parent Council Meeting with Rachel Weinstock (, who will speak about Anti-Bullying Prevention.  Rachel deeply believes in the possibility of a bully-free school community. In her dynamic and highly interactive presentation called ‘Enough is Enough’, Rachel uses impactful stories, humour, and role-playing to help students understand their role in working with their peers to make this a reality.
Tuesday May 17 - 6:30 pm via Zoom (Rachel to start at 7:30 pm)
 Please join us. Your voice is needed as we want to ensure we are hearing everyone, and being relevant for all. 
Link and agenda can be found here if you’re scrambling on Tuesday!
If you have questions or want to bring something up at Council, don’t hesitate to reach out to

Hearts and Minds Spring Newsletter:  
Please access the following link Spring Newsletter of which
Topics include:
Fostering Reading Comprehension
Test-taking Skills for Teens
Here We Grow: Children’s Mental Health Week (May 2nd to May 6th)
Community Corner: Links to Resources about
  • Latin American Heritage Month
  • Sikh Heritage Month
  • National Jewish Heritage Month
  • Asian Heritage Month
  • Autism Awareness
  • Parents as Partners Conference May 9th, 2022
  • Virtual Mental Health & Well-being Drop-in Hours (Wednesday and Thursday evenings)
  • Culturally Responsive Virtual Lounges
  • Mental Health Toolkits and Choice Boards
Daily Screening:
All parents or caregivers must complete a daily health screening for their child before leaving home. You can use the Now Mobile Health Screening app
app, the Student Health Screening Paper Pass
Paper Pass or the TDSB ServiceNow webpage. Please do not bring your sick child to school.

Mental Health and Well-Being: 
The TDSB is here to help support your mental health and well-being and to help you navigate the tools and resources you may need. Please click

Davisville and Spectrum Safe Arrival/Student Absence:
Student Pick-up Form:

Please see the following for  2021-2022 Davisville/Spectrum: Student Form For Early Pick-Up*Only*
Please make sure form is submitted prior to 12:00 p.m.  for early pick up.

School Bus Delays/Cancellations: 
TDSB website reporting delays or bus cancellations:
Davisville Spiritwear:

Please Call School Messenger directly 1-833-250-2290, between (7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.) to report child(ren’s)absence for the current day or future date. If you do not report your child(ren’s) absence(s) prior to the start of school day you will be contacted by School Messenger and you must indicate the reason for the absence.
absence. Please respond to safe arrival calls. The telephone number 833-250-2290 will display on the caller ID.

To order Davisville spiritwear check school cashonline, or visit

School Trustee's Weekly Newsletter - Ward 8:

  • For updates regarding topics affecting the TDSB, please subscribe to Shelley Laskin's weekly newsletter.

Friday, 22 April 2022

Week Ending April 22/22

Virtual Character Education Assembly:

Please join us if you are able on Friday, April 29 at 1:35 p.m. with the following link: Virtual Character Ed Link

Spectrum Bake Sale (Nut-free): Tuesday, April 26

Spectrum is hosting a bake sale for Davisville students on Tuesday, April 26. Students can bring money (loose change, loonies and twonies) if interested in buying some treats.

Davisville and Spectrum Safe Arrival/Student Absence:

Please Call School Messenger directly 1-833-250-2290, between (7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.) to report child(ren’s)absence for the current day or future date. If you do not report your child(ren’s) absence(s) prior to the start of school day you will be contacted by School Messenger and you must indicate the reason for the absence.
absence. Please respond to safe arrival calls. The telephone number 833-250-2290 will display on the caller ID.

Student Pick-up Form:
Please see the following for  2021-2022 Davisville/Spectrum: Student Form For Early Pick-Up*Only*
Please make sure form is submitted prior to 12:00 p.m.  for early pick up.

School Bus Delays/Cancellations: 

TDSB website reporting delays or bus cancellations:

Davisville Spiritwear:

To order Davisville spiritwear check school cashonline, or visit

School Trustee's Weekly Newsletter - Ward 8:

  • For updates regarding topics affecting the TDSB, please subscribe to Shelley Laskin's weekly newsletter.

Thursday, 14 April 2022

Week Ending April 14

Davisville School Council:

It’s Spring Time and Parent Council is blooming! 

TUESDAY APRIL  19,  6:30 pm – 7:30 pm  -






Please join us. Your voice is needed as we want to ensure we are hearing everyone, and being relevant for all. 

Link and agenda can be found here if you’re scrambling on Tuesday!

If you have questions or want to bring something up at Council, don’t hesitate to reach out to

Keeping Kids Engaged with Science:

Please see the following link for flyer: Dr. Cylita Guy

Dr. Cylita Guy, PhD is a Toronto based ecologist, data scientist and science communicator. Join Dr. Guy as she talks about her time studying bats in the city of Toronto and how these experiences led her to write her first children's science book - Chasing Bats and Tracking Rats: Urban Ecology, Community Science & How We Share Our Cities.

Dr. Guy will touch on some of the ways she tries to make science fun and engaging for readers. She will also highlight how her parents helped put her on the path towards becoming a scientist. 

Thursday April 28 - 6:30 pm via Zoom


Glenview Open House Save the Date:

The virtual open house for students and parents/guardians is scheduled for Thursday, May 5, 2022 @ 6:30. More information to follow.

Updated Information from TPH

Updated: School Information for Parents & Caregivers (April 8)

Updated: Information for Parents & Caregivers of Children in Child Care (April 8)

Please get Vaccinated

Davisville and Spectrum Safe Arrival/Student Absence:

Please Call School Messenger directly 1-833-250-2290, between (7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.) to report child(ren’s)absence for the current day or future date. If you do not report your child(ren’s) absence(s) prior to the start of school day you will be contacted by School Messenger and you must indicate the reason for the absence.
absence. Please respond to safe arrival calls. The telephone number 833-250-2290 will display on the caller ID.

Student Pick-up Form:
Please see the following for  2021-2022 Davisville/Spectrum: Student Form For Early Pick-Up*Only*
Please make sure form is submitted prior to 12:00 p.m.  for early pick up.

School Bus Delays/Cancellations: 

TDSB website reporting delays or bus cancellations:

Davisville Spiritwear:

To order Davisville spiritwear check school cashonline, or visit

School Trustee's Weekly Newsletter - Ward 8:

  • For updates regarding topics affecting the TDSB, please subscribe to Shelley Laskin's weekly newsletter.

Friday, 8 April 2022

Week Ending April 8

Davisville Used Book Sale:

School Council is hosting a used book fair next week - which means they need all your USED books!  Please drop off books at Door 5 on Monday morning (drop off) or afternoon (pick-up).

Book sale for students on Wednesday and Thursday of next week.  

New Entry and Exit Doors for Davisville Students:
Now that we no longer have to stay in our cohorts we have changed the entry door and stairways that each class should be using for entry and exit from the building. All the second floor classes will be using the center doors and the third floor classes will be using the east and west stairwells.  Please refer to the map for clarification. Entry and Exit Doors & Class Lineup Map

Picture Retakes: Spectrum Grade 8 and Davisville Grade 5 English and Grade 6 French Immersion Leaving Classes:
 Please mark your calendar. The retake day for graduation photos for grade 8's  is on  Wednesday, April 13th, in the morning.

Grade 5 Families going to Hodgson for 2022-2023:
Hodgson Middle School is excited to welcome your child into our building for the 2022-2023 school year. In preparation for this transition, we will be hosting a VIRTUAL information evening on Wednesday, May 11th. This will be your opportunity to meet Hodgson students and staff while learning a bit about our programs. 
Please see the attached flyer Open House Virtual Flyer for event time and embedded Zoom Link. 
To support our work that evening, we are asking that you post any questions you may have about Hodgson using this link -   We will use these to guide our presentation on May 11th. 
Each year Hodgson collaborates with your child's school to make sure this big transition is a smooth one. We also make available the opportunity for families to email us the names of any peers that might make good classmates for their child. All parent/guardian requests are printed and organized by grade so that we do not miss any important requests.  You must include your child's current school/teacher in the request so we correctly sort the email we receive. As you make your request, please understand that we will not consider requests for specific teachers and will only consider requests for classmates.  While we can never promise that we can accommodate every request, we will work to do our absolute best to accommodate the requests we receive by the deadline. All class placement requests will be taken until Friday, May 13th.  After that time, we will not be able to accommodate any further requests. 
We look forward to meeting all of you on May 11th!
Mark Kraczynski (Acting Principal) and Kelley Miller-Caise

Davisville and Spectrum Safe Arrival/Student Absence:

Please Call School Messenger directly 1-833-250-2290, between (7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.) to report child(ren’s)absence for the current day or future date. If you do not report your child(ren’s) absence(s) prior to the start of school day you will be contacted by School Messenger and you must indicate the reason for the absence.
absence. Please respond to safe arrival calls. The telephone number 833-250-2290 will display on the caller ID.

Student Pick-up Form:
Please see the following for  2021-2022 Davisville/Spectrum: Student Form For Early Pick-Up*Only*
Please make sure form is submitted prior to 12:00 p.m.  for early pick up.

School Bus Delays/Cancellations: 

TDSB website reporting delays or bus cancellations:

Davisville Spiritwear:

To order Davisville spiritwear check school cashonline, or visit

School Trustee's Weekly Newsletter - Ward 8:

  • For updates regarding topics affecting the TDSB, please subscribe to Shelley Laskin's weekly newsletter.

Friday, 1 April 2022

Week Ending April 1

Covid-19 TPH:

The health, safety and well-being of staff and students remains our top priority. One of the most important things we can do to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our schools, is for students and their families to continue to screen themselves daily for any symptoms of COVID-19 before coming to school using the TPH Guidelines Screening Poster form. (Please note, this form is no longer required to be signed and brought to school).

Should you have any questions, please contact the school or visit the TPH website for general information. For general questions, please call the TPH COVID-19 Hotline at 416-338-7600, Monday-Sunday 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM, to speak with an agent. If you need immediate assistance, please call Telehealth Ontario 24 hours a day at 1-866-797-0000.

Conversations that Rock! Deep Conversations to build relationships with our Children 
How was your day at school? Our relationships with our children is something we are always trying to cultivate and expand. How can we continue to have authentic and meaningful conversations with our children? How can we use conversations to understand our children's interests, ideas and ambitions, as well as help them think critically about the world and their role in creating inclusive spaces? In this interactive workshop, we’ll consider the importance of continued conversations with our children, go through some prompts that can help us engage with our children in a deep way, as well reflect on our own experiences as adults so that we can continue to help our children become their best selves, as well as advocates for others.
In this interactive workshop, we’ll consider the importance of continued conversations with our children, go through some prompts that can help us engage with our children in a deep way, as well reflect on our own experiences as adults so that we can continue to help our children become their best selves, as well as advocates for others. 
Led by Rabia Khokhar, Equity and Education Consultant
Please see the following flyer: Conversations that Rock
Thursday April 7 - 6:00 pm via Zoom. 

TDSB Community Engagement:

When students are engaged, student achievement and well-being improves. The more we can engage students and the more culturally aware and responsive to their lived realities, the more we can understand and effectively respond to their voices and needs. 


Students can be engaged in a number of ways, including: when curriculum is relevant and meaningful to them; when they are asked to share their experiences, ideas and input; and when they are involved in their own learning and the decisions made about their learning. 


But student achievement and well-being is not just about student engagement. Parents/Guardians/Caregivers also play a significant role. When schools, families, and communities work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and enjoy school more. 


For suggestions on how parents/guardians/caregivers can get involved and contribute to the school community, please see the TDSB website:

Summer School In-Peron at Deer Park:
Please see the following flyer Deer Park In-Person for summer school opportunities.

Elementary Summer School

The focus of the Elementary Summer School Program is to continue student learning and engagement through the month of July. Programs, embedded in Literacy and Numeracy, are developed by the local summer school principal to reflect the local school focus. Programs are offered in-person to students in K to Grade 8, from July 4 to July 29, 2022. This year, one online (remote) summer school program will be available.

Registration Information - Program Dates: July 4-29, 2022 - Registration is online. Program delivery method is in-person this year.  One remote (online) program is available.  Please see full list of programs.

Most classes run for three (3) hours from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., except for four (4) full day sites that run 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. which include: Alexander Stirling, Flemington, Rose Avenue and Yorkwoods.

Please note, there are limited spaces available for both in-person and remote (online) programs. The remote (online) program is NOT associated with a particular school. Students who are registered will be grouped by grade and assigned an online teacher.


April is Sikh Heritage Month

Sikh Heritage Month is proudly recognized at the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) during the month of April since 2016 as the Board of Trustees voted to designate April of each year as Sikh Heritage Month making the TDSB the first school board in Canada to do so. This designation matches the recognition by the Province of Ontario that proclaimed Sikh Heritage Month Act in December 2013, and the recognition proclaimed by the Government of Canada on April 30, 2019. Sikh Heritage Month is recognized nationally across Canada.

This year our theme is Come to learn, go to serve; the goal of education is to serve humanity. Sikh Canadians have lived in Ontario since the turn of the twentieth century. They have made significant contributions to the growth and prosperity of Ontario and their traditions and culture continue to be a vibrant part of every aspect of life for Canadians today. 

We are inviting all TDSB community, students, and staff to join our virtual Sikh Heritage Month launch to recognize the contributions of Sikh Canadians. Join us for a remarkable afternoon of information and celebration (see flyer or below for full details).  

An interactive slideshow is available that provides numerous books/resources and other items to gather information about the Sikh heritage. 


April is Latin-America History Month

Latin-America History Month is proudly recognized at the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) during the month of April as a result of a motion passed through our Board of Trustees in 2016.

This year the theme to mark Latin-America History Month is (DeColonizing) Latin-America History Month & Beyond: Learning about our collective pasts through the art of healing. 

During the month of April, several activities are being planned for students, staff, and community members.  Elementary students will also be provided with the opportunity to learn about the art of healing and the powerful tool that music brings with Ruben Beny Esguerra, a Canadian musical artist and poet based in Toronto. Ruben Beny Esguerra has been nominated twice for a JUNO Award (2018 JUNO Awards in the World Music Album of the Year category and just nominated for the 2022 JUNO Awards in the Global Music Album of the Year category.)

Learning about careers in various fields, our students will have the opportunity to connect with accomplished Latin-America leaders and acquire information about their educational and professional journey to success. In addition, secondary students will further their learning on art as a form of healing by attending a workshop hosted by a member of the Afrolatinx community. 

Please join us! Please follow us on Twitter @TDSB_LAHM


April is Hispanic Heritage Month

During the month of April the TDSB recognizes Hispanic Heritage Month. In March 2010, our TDSB Board of Trustees voted that April be designated as Hispanic Heritage Month at the Toronto District School Board.

As stated in the Hispanic Heritage Month Act, (May 5, 2015): "Ontario is home to more than 400,000 first-, second- and third-generation Canadian of Hispanic origin. As early as 1914, Canadians who originated from 23 Hispanic countries began immigrating to the province and today the Hispanic community is one of the fastest growing in Ontario. Hispanic-Canadians represent a dynamic community that has made significant contributions to the growth and prosperity of the Province of Ontario. By proclaiming the month of October as Hispanic Heritage Month in Ontario, the province recognizes the rich contributions of Hispanic-Canadians to our social economic, political and multicultural fabric. Hispanic Heritage Month is an opportunity to remember, celebrate and educate future generations about the outstanding achievements and contributions of Hispanic people in the province."


Ramadan Mubarak 

Ramadan is one of the most important months for the religion of Islam. Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, which is a lunar calendar based on the cycles of the moon. In 2022, Ramadan is likely to begin in Canada on the evening of April 2 and ends on May 2. During Ramadan, Its a time for Muslims fasting (abstain from food and water from sunrise to sunset for 29-30 consecutive days), prayer, reflection and community. CBC Kids has a good explanation of Ramadan. Please keep in mind that students observing may need different supports during this time. For more information, check here. To all observing, Ramadan Mubarak.

Mental Health and Well-Being:


Davisville and Spectrum Safe Arrival/Student Absence:

Please Call School Messenger directly 1-833-250-2290, between (7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.) to report child(ren’s)absence for the current day or future date. If you do not report your child(ren’s) absence(s) prior to the start of school day you will be contacted by School Messenger and you must indicate the reason for the absence.
absence. Please respond to safe arrival calls. The telephone number 833-250-2290 will display on the caller ID.

Student Pick-up Form:
Please see the following for  2021-2022 Davisville/Spectrum: Student Form For Early Pick-Up*Only*
Please make sure form is submitted prior to 12:00 p.m.  for early pick up.

School Bus Delays/Cancellations: 

TDSB website reporting delays or bus cancellations:

Davisville Spiritwear:

To order Davisville spiritwear check school cashonline, or visit

School Trustee's Weekly Newsletter - Ward 8:

  • For updates regarding topics affecting the TDSB, please subscribe to Shelley Laskin's weekly newsletter.