Trustee Shelley Laskin Weekly Updates

Saturday, 15 April 2023

Week of April 10th, 2023

 Parent/Caregiver Virtual Conversation 

The Parent Education Network (Parent Education Network) is hosting a virtual session for parents/guardians/caregivers. Please look below for more information, including the link to register. 

Free Workshop! Join the Parent Education Network for a virtual conversation about family life. Share your unique journey with other parents and caregivers. Hosted by the TDSB's Community Support Workers and Model Schools. Register Here -

Elementary Summer School at Deer Park

Elementary Summer School will return once again, in-person, to Deer Park School this summer. The program includes Kindergarten to Grade 8. Any student registered in an Ontario school can apply.

Program dates: July 4 – July 28 Program time: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Families should feel free to complete and send the registration by email or bring it in person to the school office. Space is limited and registrations will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.

The Deer Park Summer School Program is dynamic, inclusive, interactive, fun and driven by passionate and inspired teachers from across the TDSB. The over-all focus of the 2023 Elementary Summer Schools is Literacy and Numeracy and closing the achievement and well-being gap. One specific focus will be on STEAM subjects, Well-Being, Indigenous studies, and Environmental Awareness. The program will build on students’ core understanding of academic concepts and further develop their social and learning skills. The grade 6,7 & 8 program will also focus on transitioning to higher grades and learning environments.

HOLD THE DATE - May 16, 2023 - 7-8:30pm - School Building in Toronto: Where are we now?

The TDSB's Long-Term Program and Accommodation Strategy is refreshed every year - please join Trustee Alexis Dawson and Trustee Shelley Laskin to discuss the plans for their Wards. If you are interested in participating, please Register online here -

School Cell Phone Policy

Please note that a memo will be sent shortly to our school community on our school policy regarding the use of cell phones. To ensure a safe and respectful environment at our school, it is important for students to have their phones turned off while on school property. If you need to contact your child during school hours or if your child needs to contact you for some reason, you can call the school at 416-393-0570.

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