Term 1 Report Cards
Term 1 Report Cards will be sent home electronically on Tuesday, February 13th, 2024. We encourage you to sit down with your child to review their progress so far. You may read the comments in each subject section carefully and pay close attention to the Learning Skills comments of the reports. Term 1 Report Cards provide information on how well your child has achieved the curriculum expectations in a subject and whether or not they have reached the expected level of achievement in various subject areas. Letter grades are given for students in grades 1-6 and percentage marks are given for students in grades 7-8.
-Independent Work
Revised Language Curriculum (2023)
Please note that the Language Curriculum, Grades 1-8, has now been revised. Therefore, achievement in Language is now reported as ONE overall mark/grade, with supporting comments. When assigning a grade or mark in this area, teachers give due consideration to a student's integrated learning across all the strands in Language that have been taught each reporting period. If you have any further questions about the new Language curriculum, please contact the school.
Kindergarten Communication of Learning
Individual Education Plans (IEPs)
ELLs and Progress Updates
The TDSB uses continua based on the Ministry’s Steps To English Proficiency (STEP) framework for monitoring English language development. If your child is an ELL learner, they will receive their progress update on Tuesday, February 13th. This will be sent home with your child in an envelope. Please note that ELL Progress Updates for all students will be sent home at every reporting period. Please keep the copy sent home for your own records.Parent-Teacher Interviews
Parent-teacher interviews are scheduled throughout the year after report cards are sent home. Please note that parent teacher interviews are being held on Thursday, Feb. 15th and Friday, February 16th. This term, an interview with you may not be required, however, you are still free to request an interview. These interviews are your opportunity to ask questions about your child's progress and to discuss any issues. Parent-Teacher conferences provide a valuable opportunity to meet with your children’s teachers to review their progress and consider next steps in their learning.
Supporting Parents/Guardians with Report Cards
The Ministry of Education provides a parent guide called Supporting your Child’s Learning through Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting and is accessible in 22 languages.Special Education and Inclusion-Parent Engagement Session
Morning Session – March 5th Flyer
FLYER Parent Session March 5th AM Session.pptx - Google Slides
Evening Session – March 6th Flyer
FLYER Parent Session March 6th PM Session.pptx - Google Slides
Let’s Connect About Mental Health and Well Being Webinar Series
Please see attached information about the virtual Let’s Connect About
Mental Health and Well Being Webinar Series: Parent Voices-Creating fun
opportunities to connect and boost positive mental health, joy and
happiness on February 22, 2023 from 7pm-8:30pm.
Audience: Students, families, parents, guardians, caregivers and staff; ALL
are welcome!
Members from our Mental Health and Well-being Parent Partnership Committee
will add their voices on the importance of exploring fun activities for
positive mental health and wellness. In addition, please come and enjoy
break out rooms, which will be co-lead by Professional Support Staff and
community partners, on different ways we can enhance overall mental health and
Let's Connect About Mental Health Flyer
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